What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs?
Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that have lower levels of allergen production compared to other dogs. They are therefore less probable to trigger allergic reactions in those who are sensitive to pet hair saliva. No dog is totally allergen free but there are some breeds that are suitable for people who are allergic.
Why Do Some People Have Allergies to Dogs?
Some individuals are allergic to dogs due to a protein in dog dander saliva and urine. When airborne these proteins cause allergic reactions like sneezing watery eyes or even asthma. Hypoallergenic dogs shed fewer hairs and dander thus minimizing the amount of allergens present in the air.
what types of dogs are hypoallergenic?
There are several dog breeds known to be hypoallergenic. Here are some of the most popular ones:
- Poodles – Poodles come in different sizes and have curly coats that trap dander, preventing it from spreading.
- Maltese – This small dog has long, silky hair that doesn’t shed much making it a great choice for allergy sufferers.
- Bichon Frise – With a soft curly coat the Bichon Frise produces less dander and doesn’t shed much.
- Portuguese Water Dog – This energetic breed has a dense curly coat that helps contain allergens.
- Schnauzer – Available in miniature standard and giant sizes Schnauzers have wiry coats that reduce shedding and dander.
- Yorkshire Terrier – Yorkies have fine hair like coats that shed very little reducing the spread of allergens.
- Shih Tzu – This small dog has a long coat that doesnot shed much which helps keep allergens to a minimum.
- Afghan Hound – Despite their long fur Afghan Hounds shed very little and have a unique coat texture that traps dander.
- Labradoodle – A cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle Labradoodles often inherit the Poodles hypoallergenic coat.
- Chinese Crested – This breed has very little hair making it an excellent choice for people with allergies.
Do Hypoallergenic Dogs Need Special Grooming?
A lot of hypoallergenic dogs have specialized coat types which must be groomed regularly. Brushing aids in the shedding of loose hair and dander prior to distribution. A number of these breeds require professional grooming every few weeks in order to maintain their coat Regular bath helps minimize allergens.
Grooming is not only important for controlling allergies but for your dogs health as well. Matting and tangling can cause skin infections, so brushing needs to be done several times a week. If you are not sure how to groom your hypoallergenic dog‘s coat get help from a professional groomer on how to brush and what shampoos to use.
How Can You Reduce Allergies When Living With a Dog?
Even with a hypoallergenic dog ou can still take additional precautions to minimize allergens in the home:
Bathe and brush your dog regularly.
- Use an air purifier:
This removes allergens from the air.
- Vacuum frequently:
Use a HEPA filtered vacuum to vacuum pet hair and dander.
- Wash the bedding and toys:
Keeping dog items clean will help minimize allergens.
- Establish dog free areas:
Keep your bedroom and other essential spaces free of pet hair.
- Provide a healthy diet:
A balanced diet can enhance your dogs coat and skin condition minimizing excessive shedding and dander.

Are Hypoallergenic Dogs Good for Families?
Most hypoallergenic breeds are friendly playful and wonderful with children. But do select a breed that suits your familys lifestyle. Some of the hypoallergenic dogs are high energy and require plenty of exercise while others are more laid back.
In addition hypoallergenic dogs are excellent pets for aging relatives. As they release less dander they will need to be cleaned less often and much of the tiny hypoallergenic breeds will be easygoing and affectionate. Do background checks on the dogs temperament activity and grooming requirement to match up your family accordingly before bringing him or her home.
Can You Still Be Allergic to a Hypoallergenic Dog?
Yes no dog is 100% allergen free. But hypoallergenic breeds do make fewer allergens so they are a good option for individuals with mild allergies. If you have allergies it’s best to visit with a dog before adopting to determine if you have a reaction.
Others with allergies might still have some symptoms but these are usually easily controlled with home care and medication. If you are not sure see an allergist for guidance on how to control pet allergies before you bring a dog into your home.
Which Hypoallergenic Dog Breed Is Best for You?
Selecting the proper dog is based on your lifestyle and personal preferences. If you are high energy and enjoy spending time outdors a Portuguese Water Dog or a Labradoodle would be a suitable choice. If you desire a small lap dog a Maltese or a Yorkshire Terrier would be perfect. Read about each breeds personality and needs prior to making a decision.
For apartment dwellers a smaller hypoallergenic breed such as the Bichon Frise or Shih Tzu could be ideal. If you want an active dog for a day outdoor a Standard Poodle or Portuguese Water Dog could be perfect. Selecting the proper hypoallergenic breed will make you and your new companion happy together.

Hypoallergenic dogs can be a great option for people with allergies. While no dog is completely allergen free these breeds shed less and produce fewer allergens making them easier to live with. With proper grooming and home care allergy sufferers can enjoy the companionship of a furry friend without too much discomfort.
If you or someone in your household has allergies but you adore dogs don‘t despair. There are numerous hypoallergenic breeds that you can choose from all with their own personality and needs. If you prepare yourself and learn the right things you can get a fantastic dog for your home and lifestyle.