“How Often Should You Trim Your Dog’s Nails? Expert Tips”
When it comes to trimming the dog’s nails, I remember my mother’s pet dog, whose nails were clipped every week or two. My mother used to walk back and forth for half an hour before cutting the nails and then lovingly holding his paws. She used to keep him in her lap and trim his nails, and after finishing this job, she used to reward him so he would avoid getting hated about nail trimming and be happy with this activity.
Our family is known throughout the community for caring for dogs and having a special attachment to them. Like my mother, I treat my dog as if he is getting a manicure at a salon. Be confident because dogs sense our nervousness.
Seeing our family’s love for dogs, many people ask us about the health and care of their dogs. So, in this article, I will share my and my family’s experiences regarding dog nail trimming.
She used to reward him so he would avoid getting hated about nail trimming and be happy with this activity.
How often to trim dog nails?

The best way to know as a newly dog owner when it’s time to trim a dog’s nails is to sit on the floor and watch the nails touch the floor while walking on tile or wood or by listening to the sound of the dog’s nails as they walk can. According to Wikipedia nail trimming is essential for your dog’s health.
One of my dogs is very active and likes to run on concrete and pavement; his nails grow long. My other dog is not very active and does not like to play on rough surfaces. Therefore, some dogs need to have their nails trimmed once a month, and some of every third week.
There are other factors that affects your dog’s nail growth.
Your dog’s activities
Some dogs are very active. They have the habit of digging the ground with their nails, jumping all the time, and rubbing their nails with the ground, which causes their nails to grow late.
Surface where they spend time
The type of surface your dog lives on, such as beds, couches, or arms, affects the growth of his nails; dogs that live on the floor tend to grow slower than those that spend more time on tile, wood, or the street.
Your dog’s food
We all know that diet has a profound effect on growth. If your dog gets minerals and vitamins through food, your dog’s nails will be strong and shiny.
Your dog’s nail health condition
A dog’s health also affects the growth of its nails, such as nail fungal infections, bacterial infections, and tumors.
How often can dog nails be trimmed without hurting dog?
Clipping dog nails can be a nightmare, even when your dog is stubborn and resists a lot. To stop his resistance, I ask for help, but if no one is available, I follow my mother’s method by holding his paw in my lap and playing with him for some time to calm him down. After that, I cut the nails 2.3 mm from the front.
Pink nails are more accessible to trim than black ones. If your dog’s nails are black, cut them short from the front. Dogs in pain pull their nails back, so you can also predict your dog’s nail-cutting area.
Keep trimming the dog’s declaws as well. It only makes a little. It is a daunting task, but it is the only way to cut your dog’s nails.
how to trim dog nail step by step
This step is not difficult if you know how to trim your dog’s nails in the right place and time.
Keep your dog in a relaxing solution
While trimming the nails, keep the dog’s leg in its usual position and do not raise or tilt it so much that it causes injury or discomfort.
Be careful for the quick
While trimming the nails, the most important thing is to avoid cutting the dog’s nails too quick part which can cause bleeding from the veins of the nails. Just avoid quick while trimming your dog’s nails can save you from many problems.
Comfortable place
Choose a comfortable place and use good lighting to comfort your dog while trimming his nails.
Regularly touch his legs and paws
Daily play with the dog’s paws and legs can reduce resistance to nail trimming time.
what to do if accidently cut the quick and stop bleeding
You have to prepare in advance. Keep calm. Keep a wet cloth handy before trimming your nails. If there is any bleeding, keep the cloth on the skin. It will stop the bleeding for some time, and if not, apply powder. Make your dog happy by giving him his favorite food.