different types of Pitbull dogs: Which One is Right for You?

Pitbull dogs

Pit bulls have been misunderstood as a result of their past and the mislabeling of the name. The name pit bull does not describe a specific breed but is a collective term for multiple breeds that share muscular physiques and loving nature. These include the American Bulldog  American Bully American Pit Bull Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. What Are Pit Bulls? The name pit bull is often used to refer to dogs that possess certain physical features including a muscular body, wide head and deep chest. Note…

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what types of dogs are hypoallergenic?

women playing with dog

What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs? Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that have lower levels of allergen production compared to other dogs. They are therefore less probable to trigger allergic reactions in those who are sensitive to pet hair saliva. No dog is totally allergen free but there are some breeds that are suitable for people who are allergic. Why Do Some People Have Allergies to Dogs? Some individuals are allergic to dogs due to a protein in dog dander saliva and urine. When airborne  these proteins cause allergic reactions like sneezing watery…

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